After his conversion to Jesus Christ in 1973 Charles Jann kept wondering: how can we memorise and keep the word of God in our hearts? How can our thoughts be focused on Him at all times so that we can live a Christian life and experience the living Lord within us?
In the 1980’s he began to put several French bible verses and some psalms into music. After working in the United States as a music minister, and after serving the Lord for 22 years in co-founding and co-leading a French-speaking church, he was free to work on what had become his heart’s desire!
From Sunday to Sunday he visits Christian churches in the German and French-speaking parts of Switzerland and neighbouring regions. He sings the verses on which the sermon is based. That’s how the double CD “107 Bibelverse” and in French “120 versets de la Bible” came into being.
The “Sing the Bible” vision also began to spread through his music students so that in March 2006 the “Sing the Bible” team was formed. It consists of Susette Vogt, Damaris and Peter Bärtschi, Eliane and Charles Jann and others. The desire to have a team of composers was fulfilled. Now, more people can be reached thanks to a variety of different styles of music and different languages.